

每當外國人在香料之鄉背誦他們的娛樂故事時,通常都會涉及到旅行,這種旅行太普遍了。驚嘆於 天堂猶太教堂 在高知(Kochi)或在寧靜的庫蘭(Kollam)回水放鬆身心。儘管這些活動無疑是值得的,但大多數旅行者並沒有意識到在巴利(Simsapa)樹木的土地上發現的欣快體驗。

Palakkad Road


Roughly around two and a half hours’ drive from Cochin and 8 hours from Thiruvananthapuram, Palakkad is graced with scenic vistas, warm personalities, and a rich heritage. Coupled with well-planned infrastructure and ease of movement, there’s little reason as to why one would abdicate such pleasures.

Palakkad Pin

Follow me to Palakkad and the land of the Pali trees…

Kava View Point

首先,我強烈建議您訪問 卡瓦 viewpoint in east Pudussery. A paradisiacal, picturesque point which could be considered heaven on earth and my favourite spot in the world. Be it the lush green hills, the enticing forestry, or the serene lake…Kava viewpoint is one place I absolutely adore since the flawless blend of these natural features lifts my soul. Protected by Kerala’s government, the viewpoint’s sheer beauty coaxes all to submit to the spirit of nature. I often find myself emotionally chained to the spot as I transcend into a higher level of consciousness. At least until my hired driver says it’s time to leave.


Palakkad temple

如果文化是您的最佳選擇,那麼 Panniyur Sri Varahamurthy神廟, an ancient Hindu temple complex situated at Kumbidi, would be a worthwhile consideration. Believed to be the first temple in Kerala, this temple was consecrated by Parasurama, an incarnation of the Hindu god of preservation: Vishnu, around 4000 years ago. If spirituality is what you desire, then the temple is explorative regardless of your faith. Just make sure to keep a few pointers in mind as it still serves as a temple to followers of various religions. Keep your footwear out of the temple and take your top off if you’re a guy. Apart from that, be respectful and walk away a refreshed being.


Tipu Sultan Fort
“Fort” 經過 潘卡·吉拉伊(Pankaj Chirayil) 根據許可 CC BY 2.0

對於歷史愛好者, 提普蘇丹堡, also known by the name of Palakkad Fort, awaits their ardent presence. Little is known about its early history, but the building’s current form was built in 1766 A.D. Commanded by Sultan Hyder Ali, the fort was used as a strategic location and was later seized by the British. The site provides a compelling insight into ancient Kerala’s architectural aspects and situates itself as a must-visit on every traveller’s list. The site also remains one of the best-preserved tourist destinations by the government of Kerala. Apart from being a historical recount, the fort serves as a physical representation of other cultures’ influence on Kerala.


Bridge over Bharathappuzha River

關於住宿問題,我建議 芒果縣度假村,Melmuri Kottayi路。該度假勝地位於Bharathappuzha河岸附近,準確地描繪了Keralite的友好精神。考慮到本機美學的構造,整體體驗的質樸魅力令人難忘。從在椰子樹蔭下曬太陽的精神營養到在河岸上打滾的寧靜,人們會發現在這裡過得愉快。附帶食物的招待費很實惠。



Any traveller’s time in a location is incomplete without sampling the local cuisine. Kerala’s culinary habits are the culmination of Hindu, Arab, European and other influences. These developments over time are what gives Keralite cuisine its authentic flavour. Kerala’s multiculturalism provides visitors with a plethora of dishes from both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian side. If you’re in the mood for some local flavours, try the 飯碗餐廳 in Pudussery east. The fish curry meals are a particular favourite of mine, and I recommend giving it a shot. If you’re not feeling adventurous, you can stick to more international dishes such as pasta and fish n’ chips.

One of Palakkad’s most revered dishes is the Ramasseri idli. For those who aren’t familiar with the delicacy, an idli is a form of “rice cake,” one made by heating a batter of black lentils and rice. What makes the Ramaserri idli is its unique shape and texture. As opposed to the typical idli, the Ramaserri idli is flatter and fluffier, thus further bettering the dish. Prepared in Ramasseri Idli Hotel’s kitchen in Vallakulam Ramasseri Road, Elappully, the treat is revered by locals and visitors alike.

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Bear in mind that Kerala, unlike some parts of India, has no restrictions on beef consumption whatsoever. Beef curry remains a favourite for plenty of people in the region. So, if you’re craving for some well-prepared beef, rest-assured you’re at the right place.


Western Ghats

Another one of my preferred spots for scenic indulgences is the areas near the Western Ghats of the Palakkad district. The Western Ghats is a mountain range that stretches over 1,600 kilometres and will be the first thing that catches your eye when you arrive. Being a gold mine for biodiversity, the Ghats will be the perfect feed for your Instagram story. With lush forests, overhanging trees and knee-deep grasslands, you’ll undoubtedly be glad you made the journey here. The Ghats offer splendid views year-round. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to see it when it rains. The puddles, the chilly breeze, and the vegetation’s sharper contrast further accentuate the area’s beauty. One could park their car on the side of the road with a nice cup of chai and gaze at the landscape for hours to come.




Palakkad sunset


Palakkad Pin


By Sidharth Krishna

席達爾·克里希納(Sidharth Krishna)是Calculated Traveller的實習生。希德哈特(Sidharth)是旅行和自然的狂熱愛好者,他在自己的文章中表現出自己的出路感到很興奮。他在迪拜成長為早熟的孩子,他一直在纏擾他的父母帶他去觀光。無論是艱苦的公路旅行還是在沙灘上的快速停留,Sidharth都會珍惜他踏上旅程的每一刻。如果您問他,他的珍貴財產是什麼,他肯定會提到他通過Instagram個人資料看到的相機。當他不在路上時,他會花時間閱讀,寫博客和聽音樂。截至目前,他在學習新聞學科的技巧時發現自己在加拿大的汽車之都溫莎安大略省。

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