
Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Philadelphia City Hall



Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Big Bus

你看過電視節目嗎 停車大戰?該節目非常準確地展現了“兄弟之愛”城市的風貌。在費城,停車費用昂貴,法律不可原諒,交通狀況可能是一場噩夢。將車停在錯誤的位置,他們將在數分鐘內拖曳您的車輛。為什麼要在假期壓力重重?搭乘(上下)大巴士,享受這個美麗城市所能提供的最好的服務。 大巴士之旅 take you throughout the city making stops at all of the major attractions. Your Big Bus pass allows you to hop on and off the bus at your leisure so you can enjoy as much time as you like at your favourite places – it is THAT flexible.

It’s great for families both young and old especially if anyone has mobility issues or tires easily because you can discover all that Philly has to offer in a short period of time and get a great informative tour, learn about the history of the city, all while sitting down. Look out for the 大紅色雙層巴士!



Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Independence Visitor Center Entrance

您在費城的第一站應該是 獨立遊客中心。在這裡,您可以獲取有關城市和景點的信息,因為中心的後方有多個攤位。您還可以與國家公園巡遊者一起參觀城市中各個國家公園管理局的景點以及在哪裡可以買到參觀獨立廳的門票。他們經常有公園巡遊者帶隊的遊覽,您可以免費加入。

Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Independence Hall



Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Constitution Center

國家憲法中心 停在 大巴士之旅 will transport you back in time to the 1700’s. While you are there, sign your name to a virtual constitution. Kids and adults alike will love the interactive exhibits and presentations that come with admission. Learn more about US history while you visit one of the United States’ oldest cities.


這個歷史悠久的公共市場自1800年代後期就開始營業,並提供費城一流的票價。通過在這裡進站,將城市所有最好的食物集中在一個地方。如果您在假期前後訪問費城,請步行幾步之遙 閱讀終端市場 to the Macy’s department store to enjoy their beautiful holiday window displays.

TIP: The roast pork sandwich at Dinic’s is tasty, moist and filling! Reading Terminal Market is busy, so be prepared to wait in line.


Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia PA - if you dare...

前監獄 曾經是美國最大的監獄之一,並收容了像Al Capone這樣臭名昭著的罪犯。一日遊將帶您穿越監獄的各個大廳,並體驗一個世紀前當看守或囚犯的感覺。如果您是在秋季來訪並希望避開恐懼,請在監獄變成鬼魂的吸引力時,買一張前往牆後恐怖的門票。據傳建築物和場地是美國最鬧鬼的地方之一。



Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - Art Museum Rocky Steps

費城美術館 是您旅行的必遊之地。這個世界一流的博物館的牆壁上裝飾著一些世界上最著名的藝術家。它也是洛基(Rocky)專營權的著名台階的所在地。每年,成千上萬的遊客輪流向Rocky主題曲邁進,他們高高地雙臂高高地站著站在高處,欣賞Rocky雕像的照片。此Big Bus隨上隨下巴士站將在您的Philly遺願清單中檢查兩項。


頂部的費城是“兄弟之愛”城市的最新景點之一。費城天際線中最宏偉的建築之一的全景景色將使您嘆為觀止。如果您有時間參觀 一自由 恰到好處,您可以欣賞費城的落日美景,然後觀看這座城市在夜晚發光的樣子。


費城市政廳 is one of the focal points of the city. This building, which is over a hundred years old, was once the tallest building in the world. Take the walking tour of City Hall or get tickets to get a bird’s eye view of the city from the Observation Deck while you are there.

Enjoying Philly with a Philadelphia Big Bus Tour - City Hall | #travel #tour #Phiiladelphia #Pennsylvania #USA

如果您簽出 費城大巴士地圖 you’ll see that the tour includes all the major landmarks and tourist sites, such as the Betsy Ross House, Memorial Hall, and museums. These are just a few of our favourite stops along the route that we found on our Big Bus Tour. If you are visiting with younger children, you may wish to add stops to the Philadelphia Zoo, Franklin Institute and Please Touch Museum to your itinerary. No matter where you hop on and hop off, the Big Bus Tour will not disappoint.


對於另一個大巴士之旅的評論,請查看此之旅 華盛頓特區.

By Ray Chong

Ray Chong居住在加拿大安大略省多倫多市。作為一個狂熱的旅行者,戶外活動者和討價還價獵人,雷(Ray)希望留在幕後並隱居在計算旅行者(Calculated Traveller)中,但偶爾會成為中心和中心,分享旅行優惠並撰寫有關健康,自然,汽車和遊輪的話題。有人稱他為拉蒙·德拉克魯斯(Ramon de la Cruise),但瑪麗稱他為老公。

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