
high park toronto

If you’ve been in the US or Canada this past winter, you’ll know how much we got hit by the true nature of the season. Here in Toronto, the ice storm over the Christmas Holidays knocked out the power for more than a week, tore down trees, and put a blanket of ice and snow over branches, leaves and buildings. It pretty much snowed all the way until Spring (it’s still snowing and it’s March!).

high park toronto
Although the snow, cold, and deep-freeze made the commute to work troublesome, the storm this year made me think about how stunning High Park – Toronto’s largest public park in the downtown area – is in every season. It truly is a treasure to have been able to grow up in this area of Toronto. Here are some photos of the park that I have collected through the seasons.



high park toronto


在5月/ 6月的一個星期裡,櫻花盛開,High Park附近的街區交通擁擠 (請參閱本文頂部的精選照片)。當您在樹下野餐時,請注意那些落在三明治中的花瓣!

high park toronto


The warm months of July and August are perfect for regular walks in the park. You’ll find people fishing in the cool early hours, couples romantically sitting along the panoramic view of the tree lines, and children playing in the famous castle playground.

high park toronto
high park toronto


As the weather gets cooler, don’t fret! High Park still sees many daily walkers, joggers, and photographers. The changing colours of the leaves creates picture perfect moments that make any photographer a pro!

high park toronto
high park toronto



By Jamie M. Kwan

Jamie Kwan是加拿大安大略省多倫多市的多學科建築設計師和戰略家。雖然不是最大的冒險家,但他會竭盡所能地檢查並體驗城市中最隱藏的建築瑰寶……並找到有史以來最棒的烤奶酪三明治。


  1. 我愛高地公園-您的照片很美,傑米(Jamie)!喜歡櫻花……我真不敢相信這個冬天過後會有春天這樣的事情。感謝您的提醒 :)

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