Riad Dar Les Cigognes馬拉喀什摩洛哥豪華下車

Riad Dar Les Cigognes ceiling light fixture

In the bathroom, I lay in the deep soaker tub of our suite at Riad Dar Les Cigognes in Marrakesh Morocco and gaze up at the vaulted ceiling. The light dances and twinkles in a pattern over my head in an intricate design of light and colour courtesy of the punched tin light fixture. It’s magical as I soak the aches of my busy day away.

Complete with flickering candles, sweet smelling bath salts, luxurious shampoos, conditioners, body gels, lotions and soft fluffy towels, bathrobes and slippers —- it’s like I’m in a private little spa-for-one right inside my suite!

lantern and toiletries

當然,Hotel Dar Les Cigognes酒店內(應要求)有自己的澡堂水療中心,他們將在這裡沐浴,磨砂,刷洗和按摩,使您完全放鬆。您的皮膚柔軟,水嫩;那天晚上,您將像一個新生的孩子一樣入睡。


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我們一直搜尋在麥地那充滿馬拉喀什熱街的迷宮中,那裡充滿了汽車,人,馬以及辛辣的香料和人群的氣味,直到我們偵察隱藏在赤土粉刷牆內的裝飾門,上面寫著一個標語達·萊斯·西戈涅斯(Dar Les Cigognes)。當我回頭看時,旗幟和標誌現在已經很普通了,但是在長途飛行後的旅行狂潮中,無處可尋。

We knock on the door apprehensive as it appears locked and soon a smiling face greets us with a warm welcome and says “Madam Chong? we’ve been waiting for your arrival…”

放心,我們到達了正確的地點,我點了頭並回答“ Oui Madam”,因為我們在裡面被帶到遠離馬拉喀什街頭的秘密避風港。

Inner courtyard of Riad Dar Les Cigognes

Inside the courtyard of the beautiful riad, I’m instantly struck by how cool and quiet it is. The noise of the cars and motorcycles out on the street are silent now, and all that we hear are the chirps of the little birds that flutter around the Riad.

Hayat, the manager of Riad Dar Les Cigognes and our home for three nights, invites us to sit on the sofa in the serene courtyard. Moments later a server arrives with a welcome tray of cookies and ceremoniously pours us piping hot cups of fresh mint tea sweetened with honey — the silver teapot held up high in the air as the sweet brown liquid makes its long delicious journey into the little glasses. We sigh as we begin to relax and take in the tranquillity.

Riad Dar Les Cigognes welcome mint tea and cookies

The check-in process is a civilised affair and is almost an afterthought. It feels more like a visit for tea with a new friend as the three of us discuss our journey to this special place and our plans for exploration and discovery while we are here. Hayat brings out maps and expertly guides us on what the most famous sights are, what to do should we lose our way, how to ask for directions, and shares tips on what to buy and where to buy; complete with negotiation tips to get the best price.  All this before we’ve filled out any paperwork!

Moorish arch in the riad

The Riad is a maze of stairs and halls as Hayat takes us to our suite. We joke with our new friend that if we get lost, we will shout out her name over the balcony railing. She laughs with a twinkle in her eye and a little wink and quickly replies that she’ll come running to rescue us wherever we may be.

Riad Dar Les Cigognes

The boutique hotel has 11 rooms at Riad Dar Les Cigognes and when we enter our suite we see our bed covered in rose petals — a vase of roses sits on the table, along with a bowl of fruit and a litre of cold water. The ceiling is covered in decoratively painted wood as are the doors to the closets. Inside the cabinets; one with shelves and one for hanging our clothes is a small security safe.

面對皇家宮殿的大門,由於其位於街上的位置,這是為數不多的可乘汽車前往的里亞德之一,有著百年曆史的里亞德曾經是一個富有商人的住所。 Dar Les Cigognes由名人法國建築師Charles Boccara進行了翻新,以傳統的摩爾人藝術和裝飾展示摩洛哥風格,魅力和時尚。

Riad Dar Les Cigognes suite

Hayat leaves us as we busily unpack and get settled into our wonderful room — the daily afternoon tea service, served formally in the courtyard from 2:30 to 5:30 PM, is about to begin and we don’t want to miss a single thing!

Afternoon tea in the courtyard
Moroccan tea being served
Mouhssin在Riad Dar Les Cigognes的露台上供應薄荷茶




I once again hear the sweet chirping of the birds that live in the trees of the courtyard. I’ve learned that these swallows are local to Morocco and nowhere else — smart birds these swallows.

Riad Dar Les Cigognes courtyard

We hurry and dress — not that we are late, breakfast is available from 7:30 to 10:30 am, but because we don’t want to sleep through a single moment of this dream.


Riad Dar Les Cigognes roof top terrace

Breakfast is available in the restaurant on the ground floor, or up on the rooftop terrace and with views such as this, it’s an easy decision as to where we prefer to dine.


– Fresh squeezed orange juice
– An assortment of fresh warm pastries, bread
– Homemade Jams
– Honey from the Atlas Mountains
– Choice of eggs (boiled, fried, omelette)
– Thick homemade yoghurt
– Fresh fruit

Riad Dar Les Cigognes breakfast

食物令人難以置信,我強烈建議您在他們的現場烹飪學校里花一些時間。 (敬請關注有關我們的Dar Les Cigognes烹飪班經驗的未來文章。)


Mimi the cat


Riad Dar Les Cigognes patio


夜幕降臨,我們回到迷人的花園,逃脫了Jemaa el Fna Medina的喧囂和喧囂。


courtyard at night lit by candles


poem and cookies

我睡在柔軟的棉被下面,睡在溫暖的雙腳下,熱愛的雙腳被熱水瓶塞住了,夢見馬拉喀什,院子裡的燕子,還回了Riad Dar Les Cigognes。

Pampered throughout our entire 3-night stay by the friendly staff, we prepare to leave for an adventure in the desert. Hayat waits for us at the door, gives us big hugs and kisses on both cheeks, and whispers into my ear “Don’t ever change.”

作為回報,我給她一個燦爛的笑容,當我越過門離開的門檻時,在我看來,我希望她和Riad Dar Les Cigognes一樣。

閱讀更多酒店評論 這裡.

查閱其他文章 中東 在計算的旅行者上.

提供的旅行協助 里亞德·達·萊斯·西戈涅斯 誰在發布之前沒有評論過這篇文章。所有意見完全是我自己的。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 馬拉喀什(Marrakesh)在我的探險名單上,我絕對想在旅行時呆在這裡!夜間美食和詩歌是一種特殊的感覺,可以使聽起來像是一種了不起的體驗再添一筆!

  2. 看起來像是一個美麗的地方!喜歡他們的熱情好客和樂於助人,尤其是當您第一次訪問馬拉喀什時。最重要的是,那早餐看起來很棒!

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