Savoir Vivre駁船巡航–終生身臨其境的巡航體驗

Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise exterior photo

在薩瓦河(Savoir Vivre)駁船巡遊中,我們航行穿過勃艮第南部法國。

I’ve not sailed on a barge before, but I must say, after my six days cruising along the Canal de Bourgogne I’m hooked and want to do it again (and again).


The Wheel House Deck of the Savoir Vivre Barge
Savoir Vivre駁船的輪艙甲板

駁船遊船在歐洲很典型。荷蘭,愛爾蘭,英國,蘇格蘭,德國和最受歡迎的法國。對某些駁船進行了改建和改建,將其最初用作通過運河的運輸船,但有些駁船,例如Savoir Vivre駁船,是專門為酒店駁船而新建的。

With a small crew, in the case of the Savoir Vivre a team of 3; Captain Richard, Tour Guide Laura and Hostess Sophie — and few passengers; there were eight passengers in total on our sailing. A barge cruise is the ultimate in immersive travel experiences.

 Savoir Vivre Barge Team of 3; Captain Richard, Tour Guide Laura and Hostess Sophie
Savoir Vivre駁船團隊3人;理查德隊長,導遊勞拉和女主人蘇菲

Slow moving (we travelled at a speed of 4 km/hour) and covering short distances (our entire journey totalled approximately 40 km), barge cruising is the exact opposite of a vast ocean liner cruise experience and something I recommend every “cruiser” experience at least once in your life.

Savoir Vivre Barge Exterior photo


  • 80英尺長的駁船
  • Four cabins – each cabin is 110 sq feet with a 6-foot 5 ceiling height
  • 客艙安排為一張大床或兩張單人床
  • 浴室套間(帶淋浴)
  • 兩個小甲板,前後
  • 每日客房清潔
  • 免費WiFi(儘管有時速度可能很慢)
  • 免費使用自行車和頭盔
  • 立體聲系統,電視,DVD
Cruise Tip Subscribe

What’s included:

  • 6晚/ 7天住宿
  • 往返駁船的專職司機接送服務 巴黎
  • 所有餐點
  • 所有葡萄酒隨餐
  • 在駁船上打開酒吧

Our Home away from Home for the Week – Cabin 4

Cabin interior Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise




Morning view outside our cabin window onboard the barge.


  • 舒適的浴袍
  • 毛絨拖鞋
  • 完全可調節的電動床,帶遙控器
  • 帶有大量擱板和懸掛空間的全鏡面壁櫥
  • 在床下存儲
  • 可調節的暖氣和空調
  • 新鮮空氣系統,因為您無法打開窗戶
  • 舒適的床上用品
  • 閱讀燈
  • 豪華洗浴用品,吹風機
  • 電熱毛巾架
  • 雨傘(天氣應該轉壞)
  • 瓶裝水始終可用,但可以飲用自來水
View outside my window of a cottage and ducks in the water.

小費: 登上駁船後,您將打開行李包裝,而船長會將空包存放在貨艙中。一種保持井井有條的簡單方法是,如果您使用包裝多維數據集打包,然後將其從手提箱中取出並放入抽屜中。我們喜歡這裡的那些 這裡.


Savoir Vivre – Hospitality and Warmth

Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise – Welcome drink of Crème de Cassis and Champagne
克雷梅德卡西斯(Crèmede Cassis)和香檳的歡迎飲料

From the minute we stepped on board to the end of the cruise we were pampered and treated like royalty — always with an offer of a drink should your hand be empty.

Savoir Vivre包羅萬象,因此,您無需擔心使用高級品牌的酒精飲料和儲備的冰箱和餐具室隨時隨地使用時所需要的食物和飲料。


Breakfast is served onboard the Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise
Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise遊輪上供應早餐。這種駁船的獨特之處在於,玻璃門可以完全打開以完全享受室內/室外娛樂。

午餐為自助式,包括各種新鮮沙拉,各種肉類或蛋餅,醃製肉類以及各種甜點或當地奶酪的佐餐。當然還包括葡萄酒搭配。提供家庭式的午餐,由 廚師紀堯姆·羅耶(Guillaume Royer),每天在附近的Abbaye de laBussière運送到駁船。本週晚些時候,我們也有幸在Abbaye用餐。

我的旅行夥伴Lancia與附近的Abbaye de laBussière的廚師Guillaume Royer搭船遊覽時,與他搭檔。
Buffet lunch served on board the barge


Typically, with traditional cruises (barges included) — all your meals are served on board the ship. The Savoir Vivre is unique in that only breakfast and lunch are served on the barge. Each night we were chauffeured to a different fine dining restaurant. On the Savoir Vivre, you may find yourself eating in a Chateau one evening, or perhaps a Bistro or maybe an Abby!

Savoir Vivre Van parked at Chateau Sainte Sabine France
我們的麵包車停在Sainte Sabine城堡吃晚飯。



Poached Egg with Saffron Sabayon


A decadent soufflé or other over the top dessert to end a fabulous meal each night

French Barge Cruise – Tranquil, Calm and Relaxed


It’s too much — too relaxing — too distracting, and I give up trying to write on deck because as the barge makes its way down the canal, the scenery catches my eye, and I instantly want to grab my camera and capture the moment.

Canal du Bourgogne lock and lock station



Cows along the Burgundy Canal

While travelling through the locks, some guests would either walk the towpath along the side of the ship, bicycle along the path, or walk through the neighbouring villages along the way. I opted to stay on board most of the time and watch the world pass by. “C’est une vie merveilleuse!” “It’s a wonderful life!”

Couple bike riding along the towpath with Châteauneuf-en-Auxois in the distance



Each day the 8 of us would climb into our van and head off on an adventure with our private tour guide, Laura — and an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to everything wine, food, history in the region.

小費: The staff of the Savoir Vivre are English speaking but it’s always best if you learn a bit of the local language — a few French words will come in handy when dealing with restaurant staff and shopping in the little villages.


Hospices de Beaune also known as the Hôtel-Dieu Museum in Beaune France
博恩醫院(Hospices de Beaune)也被稱為法國博恩(Beaune)的Hôtel-Dieu博物館
Visit to a goat farm
Goat Cheese and Wine Tasting
Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise


Portable baguette machine.
Chateau Sainte Sabine
Gorgeous Chateaus to explore for dinner – this is Chateau Sainte Sabine
Misty morning view from the deck of the barge.


Here’s a short video of our journey:


Savoir Vivre Barge Cruise

旅行協助是由 駁船女士郵輪 誰在發布之前沒有查看或批准本文的人。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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