
Snowshoeing Lessons Learned at Minden Wild Water Preserve - Calculated Traveller


這是我第一次在安大略省美麗的哈利伯頓高地的Minden Wild Water保護區和戶外活動上進行雪鞋行走課程時的第一次經歷。

See for yourself in this video taken during our walk…


When I took to Facebook to ask friends if they had snow pants to loan me for not one but two winter weekend adventures my request was met with shock and many questions ranging from “is this a joke?” to “you’re kidding right?”.




My experiences with snow, ice and cold weather adventures, in general, have not always been incident-free, and usually don’t include any singing or dancing.


我回想起我朋友的冰釣事件 沙龍的腳在冰上穿行,我不得不去的狗拉雪橇事件 用哈士奇嘴角摔跤我的手套 那時我深陷雪地,無法全身而退!




That’s what happened after our adventure ice fishing on Lake Simcoe.




這次旅行的前一周,我們從碼頭一直走到我們的 野薔薇度假村的小屋, and I didn’t realize that I was the only one not walking on the path. I had my snow pants and boots on and was trudging along behind everyone else and the next thing you know, I end up sinking up to my waist into the deep snow. Each step made it more difficult to walk, and I ultimately decided to lie down and roll, roll, roll my way over to the firmer ground where everyone else was standing.

如果您準備不充分且未受過訓練,那麼在雪地上行走並不是一件容易的事。但是,整個攝影事件 (由Helen Suk攝) 如果我一直穿著雪鞋的話,本可以避免的 (或者我是否能夠看到路徑並堅持下去).

Falling in the snow
falling in the snow
falling in the snow



您的戶外活動 offers learning vacations and outdoor guided snowshoe for beginners with all gear included. Within a few minutes, I was a snowshoeing pro thanks to our guide Maria Paterson’s expert instruction.



Snowshoeing Lessons Learned at Minden Wild Water Preserve - Calculated Traveller


Snowshoeing Lessons


Cabin fever and foul weather conditions can challenge even the most devoted fitness walker. Snowshoeing solves the walker’s number one problem for outdoor winter exercise: It’s simply not possible to get a good walking workout picking through ice and snow and trying not to slip on a neighbour’s unshoveled walkway. Indoor treadmills are a great option, and they certainly help keep walkers going when the weather outside involves blizzards and below-zero wind-chills. But for walkers used to fresh air, treadmills are merely a substitute. Snowshoeing benefits combine the low-impact pleasure of walking outside with a high-intensity workout that is good for the heart and burns calories.

Snowshoes can be thought of as boats for the feet that “float” on snow. Each snowshoe is about a third larger than a tennis racket. Bindings can be traditional webbing or more modern plastic, strap the boots to any winter boot. Using snowshoes is as simple as walking: There’s very little snowshoe technique to learn, except to take a wider stance than usual and avoid walking backwards.



專業雪靴技巧: I prefer to dress in thin layers so that I can remove as I heat up. Having a small, lightweight backpack to carry your discarded clothing is best. Merino Wool base layers are great because they are warm, breathable, and aren’t bulky to wear.

Camera or cell phones can be useful, too, but be aware that cold weather can quickly kill batteries. It’s best to carry these items inside clothing in an inner pocket close to the skin and take advantage of body heat. The same goes for extra batteries.

您搭配雪鞋穿什麼鞋? 您所需要的只是普通的防水靴。


Very few backcountry trails are specifically designed or maintained for snowshoers, but that’s because they don’t need to be: Snowshoers can go virtually anywhere, on trails or off, as long as the snow is deep enough.

雪必須要多深? If it’s too deep to walk in with your regular boots, it’s suitable for snowshoeing.

After a heavy snowfall, public parks and golf courses are great places for a stroll (or a power walk) on snowshoes. Nearby hiking trails may be a good choice as well and going up and down hills increases the exercise intensity by a large factor. Try to stay on the hiking trails for ease of passage. But don’t worry too much about straying off-trail: one advantage to snowshoeing is that it’s hard to get lost because snowshoers can always follow their tracks back to the trailhead.

Don’t over-do it the first few times you go snowshoeing. Typical snowshoes weigh about three to five pounds per pair: That’s an extra 1.5 to 2.5 pounds on each foot, which means that over the course of a one-mile hike, each foot will have to lift an additional 1,500 – 2,500 pounds. (Now it becomes obvious why snowshoeing is such great exercise!) However, the unaccustomed strain can wear out hamstrings and quads that aren’t used to quite so much heavy lifting, so take it slowly to start.

Pro Snowshoe提示:冒險前後伸展一下!

最後,如果可能的話,請搭檔。 永遠記住,在冬天,諸如跌倒或變冷之類的小問題可能會導致大災難,並且安全裕度可能很小。而且,每當您出門遠足或散步時,都要與家人待在一起的行程。

提供的旅行協助 您的戶外活動安大略高地旅遊。與往常一樣,所有意見完全是我自己的。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


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