
Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Exterior view

有了我們周圍的歷史,我們每天晚上都在佛羅里達州聖奧古斯丁舒適的St. George Inn睡覺,以回顧過去。


您可以輕鬆地沿著歷史悠久的聖喬治街(St. George Street)漫步,在歷史街區的邊緣無法漫步的任何地方,也可以通過在拐角處停下來的隨上隨下觀光遊覽之一輕鬆到達。

Our suite at the St George Inn — Santa Maria Room at the Old City Gate

Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Santa Maria Suite

我們的套房“ Santa Maria”位於庭院的二樓,具有以下功能:

  • 特大號床
  • 共用陽台,可欣賞聖喬治街的景色
  • 麵包乾洗浴用品系列洗護用品
  • 吹風機
  • 熨斗和熨板(應要求提供)
  • 鬧鐘收音機
  • 收費和市話免費
  • 室內星巴克咖啡和Tazo茶
  • 免費WIFI
  • 古董黃銅吊扇
  • 細亞麻布和床上用品
  • 冰箱
  • 32英寸高清電視
Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Santa Maria Suite

我們的套房設有傳統的裝飾和家具, 聖喬治旅館 寬敞,舒適,放鬆,感覺就像家一樣。


  • 免費高速上網(WiFi)
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 包含早餐
  • 電腦站
  • 商業中心
  • 門房
  • 旅遊/票務協助
  • 花園庭院
  • 咖啡館/咖啡店
  • 大堂免費咖啡
  • 優惠停車
Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Breakfast selection

Breakfast (served in the main office next to the front desk) is lovely and filling featuring deli meats, cheese board, various types of bread and pastries, fresh fruit and an assortment of jams and spreads. It’s a good breakfast to start a busy day.

Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Spreads, jams and butters


Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Breakfast beverages

到了晚上,早餐區變成了Bin 39 Wine Bar,裡面有多种红色,白色,啤酒和奶酪。同樣,歡迎您回到房間享用葡萄酒或在庭院裡放鬆,欣賞噴泉的聲音。

Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Courtyard





鑰匙鎖: No electronic key locks or key cards – just regular metal keys and a glass french door.

場外停車: St. George Street is a pedestrian-only zone. When it comes to your luggage, there Is a loading area next to the old city gate that you can use at check-in and check-out, but you’ll have to park your car at the main public garage a short walking distance away.

Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Balcony view

New at St.George Inn — The Castillo Suites

聖喬治酒店(St George Inn)的最新成員是卡斯蒂略套房(Castillo Suites)。卡斯蒂略客房(Castillo Rooms)與聖喬治酒店(St. George Inn)的奢華感覺完美契合。這些寬敞的套房位於聖喬治街(St. George Street)的東側,享有令人難以置信的美景,並提供豪華的升級設施,例如精美的床單和高端裝置。

與酒店的其他客房不同,十個卡斯蒂略客房具有完整的起居空間和獨立的正式臥室,比起酒店,它更像家,可以將客人沉浸在歷史悠久的聖奧古斯丁區。他們還設有私人陽台,可欣賞聖馬可斯城堡(Castillo de San Marcos),馬坦薩斯入口(Matanzas Inlet)或卡斯蒂略廣場(Castillo Plaza)的景色。

If travelling with another couple and booking two suites, there are some units with front door lock-outs — meaning that you can keep both your suite doors unlocked but lock the main front door.

Surrounded by History at the St George Inn, St. Augustine Florida - Exterior view


  • 弗拉格勒學院
  • 舊聖奧古斯丁村
  • Ponce De Leon’s Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park
  • 歷史悠久的海灣
  • 聖馬可斯城堡
  • 聖塞巴斯蒂安酒莊
  • Ripley’s Believe it or Not
  • 油石巧克力品嚐和遊覽
  • 鱷魚農場
  • 索里亞達別墅
  • 聖奧古斯丁圓形劇場
  • 老監獄
  • 世界高爾夫名人堂
A Taste of St. Augustine Florida in Search of Spirits and Chocolate - Aerial photo of the city

想知道St. George Inn St. Augustine是否出沒?

St George Inn St Augustine Florida - Old City Gates

Well, we didn’t experience anything spooky, but according to the 2 Ghost Tours we took within the city, the courtyard of the Inn sits on top of the oldest burial ground in the city. Also, the old city gates and the cemetery which are a stone throws away are said to both be haunted. It is said that a young girl named Elizabeth, the daughter of the gatekeeper stands by the gates at night — she died at the age of 9 from Typhoid Fever in the 1800’s.

I’ll let you decide for yourself… sweet dreams.


4 St.George Street #101,St.Augustine,FL 32084

欲了解更多 聖奧古斯丁聖喬治酒店點評 查看TripAdvisor。

聖喬治旅館和 Florida’s Historic Coast,所有意見完全是我們自己的。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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