Tech Protect – STM Bags握把–評論

STM Bags

When it comes to being a travel writer and graphic designer, I carry a lot of tech gear when I’m on the go! Apple is my favourite, but their products are expensive. When you spend a lot of money on any tech product, you want something to protect it, so it lasts for the long-term (或直到您升級並想在線上出售它為止).

最近,我購買了MacBook Air (the perfect travelling Mac but that’s another article),並且我一直在尋找一個可以保護它的硬殼,以便保持其新的狀態。


  • 堅固/耐用
  • 插頭/端口的開口
  • 排氣/排熱
  • 伏貼
  • 看起來不錯

我立即想到了Speck Products,因為它們是通過Apple商店出售的知名品牌,並且與筆記本電腦本身的價格相比價格合理。



SeeThru SATIN for MacBook Air

  • Polycarbonate plastic is thin and really transparent – I soon felt self-conscious that people were eyeing my laptop and plotting their take-over because you can clearly see the apple logo through the cover
  • Matte soft-touch rubberized coating on the cover gets dusty really fast and the dust seems to stick. You can’t just brush it off. You actually have to take a wet cloth to it
  • 快速顯示指紋
  • 不確定如何,但灰塵實際上進入了機殼內部(筆記本電腦和機蓋之間)
  • Hair line cracks started to happen in the corners. Which leads me to think that it isn’t that durable and therefore won’t protect the laptop within

The search began a new…

我在一個旅行博客活動中與STM Bags的傢伙們見面,他們就這個替代案例向我發送了郵件,以嘗試並了解我對此的想法。

STM Bags

亞馬遜MacBook Air的STM Grip

  • 光滑的表面觸感
  • Ridges act like a grip so that your fingers don’t slip (or in techie terms – moulded tactical plastic)
  • 厚,不透明
  • 內部有薄的絨面革襯裡,以保護包裹在內部的物品表面 (對於痴迷的技術所有者來說,這是一個非常不錯的附加功能)
  • 完美契合
  • 重0.7磅

I’m converted. The STM Grip is attractive and tough

It’s been about three weeks now, and I’ve taken it to see clients, worked in coffee shops and out in the back yard. The cover still looks exactly as when I took it out of the packaging.

I love that you can’t tell what it is – I’ve had clients ask if it was an iPad only to be surprised that it’s a laptop. PLUS, you can’t tell that it’s a Mac because even when the laptop is open, and the trademark Apple logo lights up, you can’t see the logo through the case.

It comes in fashionable colours like hot pink and of course for the not so flashy person – black. Speaking of the black grip, looking at the colour choices initially I probably would have chosen black for myself, but now that I have it I’m so glad I have the blue. The shade is extremely bright and eye-catching!


我喜歡STM Grip,無論如何推薦它都沒有問題。我鼓勵您檢查STM Bags來滿足您的技術保護需求。


STM握把由STM Bags提供給我作為樣品。這與我對此項目的評論無關。一如既往,我所有的意見都是我自己的。

想閱讀其他STM Bags產品評論?
這是故意的。 STM Bags – Impulse筆記本電腦背包評測
Goldilocks和STM dux for iPad保護套–評論

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 如果我必須帶一台筆記本電腦旅行,我會很生氣,這很可能會發生。我不僅需要保護套,還需要防水袋,以及在出門在外時可以將其鎖定在床架上的東西。因此,這不僅是帶著一台小型筆記本電腦旅行,還有其他所有東西。嘆。我正在考慮使用小型平板電腦,看看是否可以做到這一點。我們會看到的!

    1. 我明白您的意思,因為這是帶著筆記本電腦旅行的麻煩,但有時您別無選擇。配備MacBook Air之類的硬盤保護套是當務之急,說實話,它的重量幾乎與ipad相同,因此,如果您打算隨身攜帶,這不是問題。我發現使用ipad旅行時遇到的問題是您無法在其上“工作”。至少使用小型筆記本電腦,您可以使用所有軟件和處理能力。

    1. 不管您是在遠處還是在遠處旅行,為什麼都需要保護自己的投資的一個典型例子!感謝您的評論Rachael!一定要檢查他們的產品……堅固。

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