
Graffiti Tour with Tour Guys Toronto


去年9月,我遇到了Kit –一個演員,說唱歌手,作家和前塗鴉藝術家,名字叫“ Knows” –與他一起進行了塗鴉之旅 多倫多巡迴演唱會。他為多倫多市區的塗鴉世界提供了最令人難忘的見解,這改變了我對城市周圍塗鴉的看法。



傑特(Kit)解釋說,在喧囂中擁有部分城市是一種衝動。 這是了解的經驗。


Graffiti Tour with Tour Guys Toronto

標籤,拋出,碎片,燒傷,玩具 –所有這些都是發給前一位藝術家的信息,通常貼在一個人留下的東西上。可能不好。可能會很好。可能會很有趣。無論哪種方式,這都是值得解密的對話。

You’ll notice pieces like the stencilled grenade above – found in an alleyway just off of Spadina and Queen West – that was put up on top of someone else’s work. In plain English, another artist called him out – “STAY OFF REAL GRAF”. A warning? A message? A political root? A hidden conversation that has been stemming across other pieces in the history of this particular graffiti artist? What you will see is the layers of history – an almost urban archaeology that requires study.

So check out some of my favourite graffiti that I saw on my tour with Kit. Look around; look up when you’re walking downtown. Even take a look out of your window at home or the office – check out the oddest spaces that graffiti might be. Ask yourself, why? How did they do this without getting caught? Was it commissioned? What impact did that have?



Graffiti Culture with Tour Guys Toronto

You might recognise the signature bird in this graffiti. I’ve seen it all across the city on my commute! What’s awesome about Uber is the use of the physical constraints in the urban landscape to better the humour. The image to the right is a commissioned piece that covers the entire building and has been preserved in this resin, right along Graffiti Alley (which runs east-west just south of Queen Street West, near Spadina Ave).

Graffiti Culture with Tour Guys Toronto

This might look only as an abstract pattern, but it’s actually a tag that spells out Bacon. It’s a really recognisable style that draws influence from stained glass – contrasting colours and using hard lines to hide the letters that spell Bacon’s identity.

Graffiti Culture with Tour Guys Toronto


Toronto Graffiti Tour & Street Art Culture with The Tour Guys
這次旅行是由以下人員提供的 多倫多巡迴演唱會, all opinions are my own. Check out their website for other unique tours around the city and around the world.

德克薩斯州達拉斯(Deep Ellum Dallas)街頭藝術攝影隨筆

By Jamie M. Kwan

Jamie Kwan是加拿大安大略省多倫多市的多學科建築設計師和戰略家。雖然不是最大的冒險家,但他會竭盡所能地檢查並體驗城市中最隱藏的建築瑰寶……並找到有史以來最棒的烤奶酪三明治。


  1. 我實際上很喜歡塗鴉,但實際上它只是一種藝術,而不僅僅是某人的簽名。如果要安放在時髦的房子裡,我實際上會考慮用塗鴉牆。看到這些“開箱即用”的遊覽很酷。感謝分享。

  2. 我一生都住在多倫多,經常在皇后街西和Spadina大街附近逛街/用餐,但我從來不知道有塗鴉小巷。看到這些很棒的照片後,我將不得不檢查一下。

    1. 蒙特利爾是公共藝術和塗鴉的好地方!我一直想回去–我只是在魁北克市,他們在老部分設置了巨大的藝術裝置(Nuit Blanche風格),因此對於歷史和當代藝術而言,這都是一個很棒的氛圍。

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