
Travel Tip - Reusable Water Bottle - Would you like some germs with your water?

Let’s say you’re packing for your trip and you think “Hey…I have an idea! I’m going to bring my own reusable water bottle and I’m going to just fill it with ice and fresh water from the cruise ship, hotel, resort etc. for when I’m out touring! I’ll save money AND the environment!”

Before you continue with this thought I’m going to assume that you checked whether the water at your travel destination is drinkable right? Well then that’s a 偉大的 主意!

我一直都這樣做 ,您每次使用後都包裝了洗潔精或可洗性水瓶的東西嗎?

Travel Tip - Reusable Water Bottle - Would you like some germs with your water? Stay healthy when on the run.

You wouldn’t drink from a 臟的二手玻璃 at home right? So, why would you do it while you are travelling?  In reality when you are out on the road that’s when you should try to take extra precautions to keep your immune system in tip-top shape.


  • 取一個空的用過的滴眼劑瓶(或購買一個新的)
  • Unscrew the cap and pull off the “drop part” very carefully without damaging it.
  • 確實將瓶子清洗乾淨,然後重新裝滿洗潔精。如果願意,您也可以添加一兩滴漂白劑。
  • Put the “drop part” back in.
  • Make sure that you label the bottle really well so you don’t mistake it for …um…eyedrops (因為那將是不好的).

The size is small, compact and doesn’t take up much room in your toiletry bag.

dish detergent dropper bottle

現在,只需將一兩滴洗碗精倒入空的可重複使用的水瓶中,加一些水並搖勻氣泡 (don’t forget to wash the cap and the mouth of the bottle) 並且您閃閃發光,乾淨無毒。


Hydro Flask評論。居家生活和旅行生活保濕

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


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