
Tupelo Honey Cafe - The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, SC

當一個人旅行到南卡羅來納州內的任何地方,但在位於 圖珀洛蜂蜜咖啡廳 默特爾比奇(Newt)的Market Common區的交通遠不止於此。

That’s not to say that the menu’s hard to read or that the clientele is grey-haired — on the contrary — the staff are just being proactive and hospitable as they welcome you into their “home”.

Tupelo Honey Cafe - The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, SC by Calculated Traveller

Once seated, I found the decor to be bright, airy and sophisticated. I sat there the entire time wishing that this was MY home – loving the teal coloured walls and light wood furniture.

I wish that the weather had cooperated the day of our visit but there was a bite in the air and the forecast called for intermittent sun showers. We played it safe and opted to eat inside — a shame really because the outside patio is lovely with a view of the street and Valor Memorial Gardens in Market Common.

Tupelo Honey Cafe - The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, SC


市場公共區 located near Myrtle Beach International Airport was formerly home to The Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. Now, this hot part of Myrtle Beach seems to be the place to live, eat and shop. With gardens, gazebos and tree-lined streets and plenty of places to sit courtesy of wooden benches and rocking chairs, you can’t help but “sit-a-spell” and watch the world go by with coffee, pastry and book.

The Market Common district of Myrtle Beach SC

The Market Common district of Myrtle Beach SC


With Southern fare on the menu such as shrimp & grits, and fried chicken & biscuits — everything is made from scratch. I especially loved the tender scratch-made biscuits served with fresh preserves and of course their very own Tupelo Honey!

To drink, I had one of Tupelo Honey Cafe’s Signature House-made drinks – Lavender-Limeade Fizz – $3.50 (頂部照片). I love “exotic” blended beverages especially when a restaurant takes the time to make one that is non-alcoholic. The fragrant lavender was lovely and went well with the sourness of the limeade – refreshing!

Tupelo Honey Cafe - The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, SC - Fried Chicken

Fried Chicken – $12.75

  • 南部酪乳炸雞胸配乳汁肉汁,胡蘿蔔和羽衣甘藍色拉,鱷梨石灰油醋汁和紅薯泥


Tupelo Honey Cafe - The Market Common, Myrtle Beach, SC - Meatloaf


  • Hickory Nut Gap農場牧場飼養的牛肉配培根肉餅,配以迷迭香番茄蔥肉汁,胡蘿蔔和羽衣甘藍色拉,配以鱷梨石灰油醋汁和烤的Mac-n-奶酪

Hubby Ray especially enjoyed his meatloaf and mac-n-cheese and quickly cleaned his plate. He felt as I did about his slaw – too “healthy” for us carnivores.


直到我們回到家,我才發現圖珀洛蜂蜜咖啡廳在南卡羅來納州的其他地方, 北卡羅來納,弗吉尼亞州和田納西州…因此,下次您要尋找舒適的食物時,請嘗試其中的一個。 “有益於靈魂的南方創意食品”.


3042 Howard Ave,默特爾比奇,SC 29577

出行協助 參觀默特爾比奇。所有意見一如既往都是我們自己的。

在南卡羅來納州默特爾比奇的Thoroughbreds Restaurant用餐

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

1 comment

  1. 我的父母,20個阿姨和叔叔以及很多表親不算在內,都是北卡羅來納州的人。但是我訪問過很多次,但從未到過默特爾比奇(Myrtle Beach)!這家咖啡館聽起來真的很有趣,尤其是隨著他們將南方經典風格融入現代風格。

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