
A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal

When I think of train travel, I think of the romantic nature of the experience depicted in all the classic movies. Well groomed men in perfectly pressed suits and fedoras perched just so. Beautiful women with their white gloves, high-heeled shoes, matching purses, smart looking dresses, and train cases. Very sophisticated — very “Mad Men”.



A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal - Toronto Union Station Business Lounge

您的VIA Rail Canada公務艙機票中包含可訪問的 威盛鐵路商務艙休息室.

A journey via rail isn’t as fast as flying but it isn’t as slow as driving either. Plus, trains can be amazingly relaxing if you are travelling via business class.

專業旅行提示: 商務艙機票附帶的另一個好處是,如果您很早就到達並且希望在不拖累行李的情況下游覽該地區,則可以在車站免費存放行李。

We arrived early to take advantage of this perk at Toronto Union Station with a comfortable waiting area, TVs, newspapers, juice, speciality coffee and tea — all complimentary.


A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal Train - Business Class Train

多倫多至蒙特利爾的“ Via Rail鐵路”列車的機上服務包括以下內容:

  • 皮革可躺式座椅
  • 免費WiFi
  • 吃前用熱毛巾
  • 葡萄酒和啤酒等飲料
  • 通過鐵路商務艙菜單提供午餐餐點選擇
  • 零食
  • 雜誌,報紙
  • 洗手間
  • 每個座位的電源插座
  • 折疊托盤桌
A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal - working enroute

專業旅行提示: 從多倫多乘坐VIA鐵路前往蒙特利爾的火車有時會有些顛簸,因此,如果您乘火車去商務旅行,您可能會發現很難用筆記本電腦打字和完成工作。

A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal - landscape

從利用免費wifi上網,欣賞火車滾滾而過的美景,享用精美的食物和飲料(包括免費的Via Rail Business Class酒精飲料),並完成一些工作;這是一段輕鬆的旅程,拉開了我們在蒙特利爾的周末的序幕。

A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Montreal to Toronto train - Business Class Lunch

Our journey by train from Toronto to Montreal was fabulous but sadly, our return trip home to Toronto — not so much.


Not to be THAT person but on our trip home, a family of 6 – grandparents, parents, and two children came on board. For 5 hours, the adults relaxed and took advantage of the complimentary food and wine while the children cried, whined, and caused a commotion disturbing the entire Business Class train. We were sitting directly behind the facing set of 4 seats, and the 6 of them were into the four seats.


專業旅行提示: 請注意,如果您坐在這個區域可能會很吵,這是因為座位配置為一張全尺寸桌子,且座位彼此相對。您可能不希望坐在附近的另一個區域是洗手間的盡頭。

Hey, these things can happen on a plane, train or in an automobile and are an aspect of travel that you have no control over and can’t avoid. One benefit is that a situation like this one makes for an excellent laughable memory for years to come.

我在火車上旅行的初次經歷 威盛鐵路商務艙 從多倫多到蒙特利爾是一次冒險,絕對不會是我的最後一次。

I hope you’ve found this Via Rail Business Class Review helpful, have you travelled by train Montreal to Toronto business class before? What was your experience like?

在他的文章中閱讀Michael的臥舖冒險之旅,以及通宵乘坐VIA Rail到Winnipeg的課程: 威盛鐵路(VIA Rail)–加拿大的乘車體驗是嗎?

進一步了解 VIA Rail在TripAdvisor上.




A VIA Rail Business Class Adventure from Toronto to Montreal

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。