
Washington DC Photo Essay

In honour of America’s Independence Day, July 4th, I thought I’d share some photos from a recent trip to Washington DC.

You’ve seen these sites a million times on TV and in movies but you don’t really get a sense of the size and importance of these iconic buildings until you are standing in their shadow listening to the hushed whispers of conversation as visitors from far and wide reading the carvings on the cool marble walls and jockey for position to pose for photos. I encourage everyone, American or otherwise to visit 華盛頓特區 並親自去看這些地方。

It’s quite the whirlwind of activity if you try to see all the sites in one day so I highly recommend that you take your time and sit a spell on the many benches at the various sites to reflect on what you’ve seen, what they mean and take the time to marvel at the artistry, technology and engineering that went into their creation in the first place.


Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay
Washington DC Photo Essay





我們: 你為什麼要給人拍照?

小姑娘: Just because…

我們: 你從哪裡來?

小姑娘: 阿肯色州。

我們: We’re from Canada, do you know where Canada is? It’s a country about 9 hours north of here

小姑娘: 我知道加拿大在哪裡。他們在那裡說法語。你會說法語嗎?

我們: 不,但是一些加拿大人確實會說法語。你會說西班牙語嗎?

小姑娘: 不,我們會說英語–您會說英語嗎?

我們: 是的,我們會說英語,但我們會說加拿大英語 (傻笑)

小姑娘: 真的嗎?用加拿大英語說些什麼。

Kids say the funniest things, don’t they? But honestly, we did start it.

Washington DC Photo Essay





By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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