
GPS device


I don’t know about you, but 全球定位系統 Sally is constantly getting me lost and she keeps recalculating… recalculating… recalculating

I’m reminded of a news program on TV about three women who used their GPS while visiting 死亡谷國家公園。這是一日遊,所以他們只帶了幾瓶水和很少的食物。他們沒有該地區的紙質地圖,也沒人知道他們將要去公園參觀。



What Your GPS Doesn't Know May Hurt You!

當我觀看節目時,當我們錯誤地設定日落時間時,它帶回了我自己在死亡谷國家公園開車的回憶(不太適合這個旅行者嗎?). Let me tell you, it was pitch black on the road with no street lights and then a sandstorm started. We were so scared but at least we had headlights, gas, we knew where we were and where we were going….

But back to our original story…


There are lots of GPS horror stories out there…just do a Google search and you’ll see pages and pages of them.

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Don’t trust your GPS blindly.

I like to know where I’m going before leaving the house.

I can’t stress this enough but you should always make sure that your GPS, be it a portable unit or one built directly into your car, has the most up-to-date maps loaded into the software.

What Your GPS Doesn't Know May Hurt You!

If I’m going on a road trip or driving somewhere unfamiliar near home, I prefer to plot out my route ahead of time, using AAA級 / 民航局 三聯和/或地圖。

With highlighter in hand, I mark the most direct route and use my GPS while driving to confirm that I’m on the right track.

If you don’t belong to an auto club, you can also print out maps and directions from various websites such as 谷歌地圖 或者 雅虎地圖。我會得到整個區域的地圖,然後是按轉彎方向的局部區域地圖。


Isn’t there an app for that?

There all kinds of map and navigational apps available for your cell phone. I think they are great for when you are in a major city and have a vague idea of the area. But if you are on a road trip, in my opinion, you are using 1 form of technology as a backup for another form of technology. What if they are both wrong? What if they conflict? Which is right? What if you don’t have satellite signal, or run out of power….

Sometimes, it’s best to rock it old-school with plain old pen and paper.

What Your GPS Doesn't Know May Hurt You! by


If you are going to listen to GPS Sally, or Cindy or Lucy…make sure that your GPS is up-to-date with the latest maps and software for the region that you are travelling. Pay attention to signs and the rules of the road.

Most importantly…stay safe on the road and have fun!

Have you been led astray by your GPS? I’d love to hear your story… join the discussion.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 很棒的文章。我對我的GiGi(Garmin Girl的縮寫)感到非常惱火,以至於我一直讓她保持沉默。惱人的“重新計算”可能使原本柔和,鎮定的人很快變成瘋狂的瘋子!我認為自己是一所古老的學校,更喜歡事先閱讀地圖和/或使用Google地圖來預覽我的路線並寫下要關注的重點。在探索新的美國目的地時,我的首選方法是駕駛自由泳,並在一天結束時使用GiGi將我帶回“家”。

    1. GiGi如此強大的彈性令人驚訝。她曾經讓我非常生氣,我把她從儀錶盤的東西上拉下來,然後將她扔向窗戶。


  2. 只是以為我會增加討論的內容,即在最近的一次公路旅行中,我們被州際公路上的主要交通阻塞。沒有我們的紙質地圖,我們將找不到平行於高速公路的鄉村小路。以蝸牛的步伐移動,估計為我們節省了1.5個小時的路程...

  3. 哦,哇,這真是太可怕了,以至於在死亡谷之類的地方丟失。我記得幾年前,有一個故事講述了一個來自不列顛哥倫比亞省的年長夫婦,他們在內華達州的一條伐木路上迷路了(我認為)。可悲的是,我相信這名男子離開那裡尋求幫助時已經死亡。我不知道它們丟失的原因是因為GPS錯誤還是其他原因,但這肯定凸顯了將紙質地圖映射到GPS備份的重要性,尤其是當您要去偏遠的地方時。

    去年,我買了GPS,在穆斯喬(Moose Jaw)那裡了解到,它在市區內足夠好,可以到達我需要去的一般地區,但是我絕對不會相信我所信賴的100%。書呆子我喜歡在Google Maps上預先繪製路線,而且我擁有CAA會員資格,所以我一定要為要旅行和停留的地方購買地圖和指南。

  4. 聲音建議!



  5. 大提示瑪麗。我在最近的一次旅行中發現的另一方面是,如果您將手機用作GPS,則即使插入了電源,也可以完全耗盡電池的電量(手機訪問地圖,使用GPS並保持與網絡的連接) ,全部同時)。這意味著當您迷路並且電池沒電了時,您可能最終根本沒有電話尋求幫助。不太可能發生這種情況,但是最好避免使用專用的GPS,並保留手機用於徒步旅行和城鎮活動。

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