Caye Caulker伯利茲在哪裡用餐:餐廳指南

Caye Caulker Belize by Calculated Traveller

Caye Caulker島上有一些很棒的餐廳,這是伯利茲中北部海岸外的一個小島。

With a wonderfully quaint atmosphere and that tiny village vibe, we dream of when we think of the Caribbean. If you’re looking for a quiet, laid-back island experience, I highly recommend it as an ideal home base for your next holiday.

Caye Caulker,伯利茲也是我們的一員 最喜歡的浮潛目的地 在加勒比海地區。在最近的一次旅行中,我和我丈夫有機會嘗試了該島許多折衷的Caye Caulker餐廳。這些當地友好的餐廳中有一些非常令人難忘,而且很多都是物超所值的便宜食品。

旅行貼士: 給您裝上洗手液或濕巾,並記住您身處加勒比海,那裡穿著休閒裝。

當您想知道在哪裡吃飯,並在尋找Caye Caulker中最好的餐館時,我建議以下幾點。

Caye Caulker Island最佳餐廳

Where to Eat in Caye Caulker Belize: A Restaurant Guide

熱帶天堂– Luciano Reyes St.

儘管俗氣的名字,熱帶天堂餐廳還是很可愛的。所有座位都在外面(臥底),距離海洋只有幾碼遠。由於採用了露天設計,因此用餐時您會感覺到海風,這增加了加勒比海島嶼的感覺。服務很好,新鮮的海鮮也很棒。總之,我們對烤梭子魚牛排,整個鯛魚,龍蝦烤肉和豬排進行了採樣。在我們為期一周的住宿期間,我們在這裡吃了兩次。它是我們的Caye Caulker餐館清單中的頂級產品,因為它物超所值。看 熱帶天堂旅行顧問.

Where to Eat on the Beautiful Island of Caye Caulker Belize



The first time we visited The Little Kitchen, it was dark, and we were truthfully a little uneasy when we arrived. When we went back in the daylight, it was much less stressful, and I’m glad we made an effort to return.


現在從積極的方面–食物和價格都很棒!我們在Little Kitchen的第一頓飯花了$20US。這就是我們得到的:龍蝦酸橘汁醃魚,沙丁魚(蓬鬆的炸玉米餅,覆蓋在餡料中),混蛋雞,兩瓶水,一瓶啤酒和一根香蕉椰奶!

我強烈推薦“小廚房”,但如果您晚上去,請帶一個手電筒和至少一個同伴。這不是您晚上想獨自探索的地方。它所在的街道上顯然沒有名字,因此您需要詢問某人如何到達那裡。看 小廚房旅行顧問.

Syd's –中街

Syd’s serves good food at great prices and is well-known for its fried chicken, which is a bargain at around $5US. I sampled the fried shrimp and chicken tostadas, which were both also excellent. My husband loves this place – we ate there twice during the week and got take-out from there twice more. It deserves its place on our list of Caye Caulker restaurants. See Syd’s on Trip Advisor.

Rainbow Grill&Bar –前街

At the Rainbow Grill and Bar, we both had only so-so burgers. But to be fair, burgers are never good when we travel outside the US – they’re simply not the same. Maybe we should have tried something a little more adventurous. We did not go back a second time but feel that it still deserves to be on this list of places to eat in Caye Caulker. See Trip Advisor上的Rainbow Grill&Bar.

Where to Eat on the Beautiful Island of Caye Caulker Belize


We passed La Cubana a few times on our walks along Front St. and it always smelled great. So, when you’re thinking about where to eat Caye Caulker, La Cubana should make it onto your list.  When we finally did decide to eat here, we both had the roasted pork. It was delicious. We didn’t go back a second time, but that’s because it was already late in the week when we first tried it. I would recommend it to others. See 旅行顧問上的La Cubana.

Bambooze –前街

Bambooze has a view of the water and gets a nice gentle breeze. We went there for lunch, and the place was almost empty, which was a bit of a surprise. We had the chicken fajita and fried plantains, and both were very good. The thatched roof and proximity to the beach gave this restaurant a bit of a party feel. I’d give it another try. See Bambooze on Trip Advisor.


Barrier Reef Sports Bar is located a bit of a distance from the beach. I tried the fish and chips, and my husband had a chicken burger when we dined here, and both were unremarkable. They did, however, have draft beer on tap there, which was the highlight for me.  It would probably be an excellent place to watch a game and grab a few beer. See Trip Advisor上的堡礁運動吧.

Where to Eat on the Beautiful Island of Caye Caulker Belize by Calculated Traveller

您在Caye Caulker伯利茲這些餐廳中有沒有吃過的?

您對在Caye Caulker哪裡可以吃的伯利茲餐廳有其他建議嗎?


By Cherri Megasko

切裡·梅加斯科(Cherri Megasko)總是有些變幻莫測,在順從性和叛逆性之間走了一條細線。但是直到她開始認真旅行時,她才找到了自己的真禪。她交出了公司徽章,更新了護照,為自己的全新生活充滿了興奮和冒險。浮潛場所和發展中國家是她最喜歡的目的地,但是無論機會如何,她都會樂意去任何地方。


  1. 太糟糕了,沒有食物的照片!幾年前我在Caye Caulker,在Rainbow Grill吃過飯。優越的地理位置,在水面上,但是食物一般。這裡的海鮮很多,所以最好吃的是炸鯛魚和酸橘汁醃魚。

    1. 美食圖片是最好的,但是是的,很遺憾,本文中沒有與您分享的照片。非常感謝您對Rainbow Grill的評論-很高興聽到其他意見!

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