
Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History.

在Bloor街以北的安大略省多倫多約克維爾(Yorkville)獨特的歷史街區和皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)中,我們花了一整天的時間學習有關村莊的生活。從在Sassafraz餐廳的維多利亞式排屋中享用美味的午餐開始,然後在歷史悠久的街道上進行徒步旅行,並在On the Town Tours上欣賞建築景觀,美術館和精品店。

It’s a day of re-imaginings, re-creations, and evolution of a small neighbourhood in a big city.





I’m fooled, and I order a signature Badass Mojito of Wray & Nephew white overproof rum, fresh apple juice, muddled raspberries, mint, lime and soda. Betina smiles, her eyes twinkle in agreement — I’ve chosen wisely. But I decide to be a good girl this morning and skip the alcohol (wink).

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Sassafraz Restaurant Signature Badass Mojito Cocktail






說到約克維爾的餐廳, 薩薩弗拉斯餐廳 是約克維爾(Yorkville)附近的標誌性建築,為客戶提供20多年的服務,在一系列維多利亞式排屋的兩層中,超過10,000平方英尺的空間。 Sassafraz餐廳最近進行了為期兩年的翻新,經過重新規劃,以新的內飾,新的外觀和新的市場驅動菜單重新設計。

 Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History - Sassafraz Restaurant Toronto #Toronto #travel #restaurant #Ontario #Canada #food

With soft dove grey touches in the upholstery and artwork; bright white linens and walls; and natural elements in the walnut tables, floor, and living wall the decor is beautiful. Not formal, pretentious or “stuffy”, the dining room is fresh, bright, comfortable, welcoming and simply elegant. It’s a relaxing atmosphere perfect for a get together with old friends or a power lunch with a new business partner.

多倫多薩薩弗拉斯酒店(Sassafraz Toronto)還在其S-café酒吧提供輕鬆的用餐,在入口附近的非正式區域內提供小點心,雞尾酒和特色咖啡。 S-caféBar也是他們舉辦特別活動的場所,例如現場爵士音樂之夜。


Executive Chef Geoff Webb is quiet and reserved when he comes to greet us in person and welcome us to the restaurant (a perk of being a travel writer); I’m struck by how young he looks. He has been with Sassafraz for the last 13 years working his way up the ladder from the front lines of the kitchen. He clearly has found his calling. Chef Geoff’s food is beautiful to look at and tastes delightful.





Cape d’Or Salmon served with chilled soba noodle in a ginger ponzu dressing and pickled enoki mushrooms
– The sustainably farmed salmon from Nova Scotia is cooked perfectly, and the chilled soba tasted terrific with the ponzu.

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Sassafraz Restaurant Cape d'Or Salmon with chilled soba noodles

– A big hit at our table; the earthy taste of the Ontario grown beets with the creamy texture of the burrata cheese and the sweetness of the honey and orange segments was delicious

Sassafraz Restaurant Beet and Burrata Salad

Harrison Co-Op烤雞胸肉,新土豆,黃椒羅姆斯科,西班牙香腸,櫻桃番茄
– Antibiotic and hormone free roasted chicken was delightful with the spicy kick of the Spanish chorizo

Sassafraz Restaurant Roast Chicken with new potatoes

– Warm with the squash, fresh with the salad and rich with the duck — surprisingly very filling. I’m not a salad person as I typically go straight for meat and potatoes, but this was a perfect lunch choice for me and tasted delicious.

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History - Sassafraz Restaurant Acorn and butternut squash salad with smoked duck, baby kale, sunflower sprouts, dried cranberries and pepitas # Toronto #restaurant #Ontario #Canada #travel #food #salad

Fogo Island Cod n Chips(配薑汁啤酒糊)刺山柑濃汁和涼拌捲心菜
– Not your ordinary fish and chips – this is cod from Fogo Island on the northeast coast of Newfoundland.

 Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History - Sassafraz Restaurant Fogo Island Cod n Chips (with a ginger beer batter) caper remoulade and coleslaw

– You can add a protein such as a steak, chicken or salmon to any salad to transform it into an entree

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History - Sassafraz Restaurant Warm maitake mushroom salad with roast chicken breast #Toronto #restaurant #Canada #Ontario

– This dessert is chocolate cake on steroids — rich and delicious!

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Dessert from Sassafraz Restaurant of Flourless chocolate bar. #Toronto #Ontario #restaurant #Yorkville #chocolate
Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Dessert from Sassafraz Restaurant of Carmelized Banana. #Toronto #Ontario #restaurant #Yorkville #dessert #banana


– Probably one of the best crème caramels I’ve ever devoured. It was smooth as silk, rich and creamy, yet refreshingly light due to the citrus.

Sassafraz Restaurant - Lemon crème caramel, grapefruit orange salad



的簡·赫爾曼(Jane Herman) 在城鎮遊覽 greets us across the street from the restaurant. She’s bundled up to ward off the cold weather. We are back in the real world outside and are about to explore life in the village with a trusted guide — the only way to tour!

I love walking tours and have been on many. I’ve found that some are all about entertaining you versus enlightening you. Case in point was when I took multiple ghost tours in the same city with different tour companies — each tour guide told a different “historical” ghost story, and it was hard to say which story was true.

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History.


It’s also fitting that we start our tour outside of Sassafraz Restaurant as it happens to be across the street from the award-winning Yorkville Park. What once was a row of Victorian homes, the homes became a parking lot when the Bloor Subway System was put in underneath during the 1950’s. Lucky for us, in the early 1990’s the parking lot was replaced with a beautiful urban park consisting of 11 distinct garden plots that trace the property lines of the row houses that once stood there. Each garden plot represents a different aspect of the Canadian landscape.

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Yorkville Park

As a Toronto resident, I’ve walked past this park many times and had no idea that this was the inspiration for the design!

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Cumberland Street
Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. Yorkville Public Library

I’m so glad that I had this opportunity to participate in a walking tour of Yorkville Village because during our visit we saw quite a few cranes, for sale signs and construction. When you think that what once was a working-class neighbourhood of Victorian homes in the early 1900s and made way to artists, musicians, actors, and coffee houses in the 1960’s, is quickly turning into a neighbourhood of designer boutiques and high rise condominiums!

Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History.
Exploring the Village of Yorkville Toronto. A Day of Food, Architecture and History. New Chanel location in Yorkville.

在市區遊覽提供各種多倫多徒步旅行,包括釀酒廠區,卡薩洛瑪(Casa Loma)居民區,西女王美術館爬行,金融區和濱水區,以及肯辛頓市場的美食徒步之旅和唐人街的美食之旅。

Where Jane excels is in how she customises her tours to the participant’s requests. The itinerary follows a general route, but each one is highly personalised for the individual based on interests and enthusiasm for the subject. For example, knowing that our group were all travel writers, she made arrangements for a private tour of the Four Seasons Hotel on Yorkville Avenue as a bonus! Now that’s customer service for you, to ensure that people get the best experience on their tour!

我曾是Sassafraz餐廳和On the Town Tours的客人,因為這是國際食品美酒和旅行作家協會會員的有組織的新聞發布會。所有意見完全是我自己的。

點擊此處查看TripAdvisor的更多信息 Sassafraz評論
點擊這裡查看 On the Town Tours的評論


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Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


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