We found 154 results for your search.

All Aboard for a Day Out With Thomas the Train

Do you have a young child between the ages of 2 and 10 in your house? Do they love Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends? Do they play with trains all day long? Then I’ve got a day trip for you. Not only will it please your little Thomas lover but it will also entertain… Continue reading All Aboard for a Day Out With Thomas the Train


At Calculated Traveller, we are always on the move. Travelling the world in life, in print and on the world wide web — here’s where we can be found. Guest Author – Digital The Curacao Chronicle Curacao – The Meaning of Dushi Cruise About Celebrating the Holidays on a Cruise Ship How to Pack Light… Continue reading Press

How to minimize the loss of your pictures during vacation

No one wants to hear the words: “Honey, I can’t find the camera!” Yet every day, throughout the world, people leave their camera, with those perfect pictures, in hotels, on buses, at the pool. They get stolen in crowds and from restaurant tables and beach chairs. They get dropped overboard, or bounce out an open… Continue reading How to minimize the loss of your pictures during vacation

The Dreaded Part of March Break Planning, Packing, and Preparation

We all enjoy March break—our toes in the sand or relaxing by the poolside, but the planning, organization, and dreaded packing can lead up to wanting to literally pull your hair out March Break is that time of year when Canadian families head south to escape the cold. It’s a welcome break between the Christmas… Continue reading The Dreaded Part of March Break Planning, Packing, and Preparation


Hello and welcome to Calculated Traveller! Travel Well. Spend Wisely. Go Smarter. CalculatedTraveller.com launched in February 2013 as an online magazine with informative travel advice, helpful tips, honest reviews, and travel inspiration for destinations throughout the world. As we share photos and stories of our adventures both near and far, we strive to deliver budget… Continue reading About


您好, 歡迎來到精算旅遊! 舒適旅遊. 智慧消費. 聰明玩家. 精算旅遊官方網站(CalculatedTraveller.com) 於2013年2月推出後即成為一本網路旅遊雜誌, 能為世界各風景名勝提供資訊豐富的旅遊建議, 給予最有效益的提示及坦率的評論, 並能啟發您的旅遊靈感。 當我們分享在各地旅遊景點的活動照片和故事時, 我們便致力於在每篇文章中提到有關預算規劃、準備技巧、評論和中肯的建議。不論您的預算或目的地, 我們都在此為所有類型旅遊者提供最值得信賴的資訊。 根據韋伯斯特字典(Webster’s Dictionary):精算 (形容詞) = 處事前仔細考慮, 詳細評估可能結果後, 精心規劃行事, 得以圓滿成就某一特定目的事項 我們的願望是分享故事, 照片和記憶, 以激勵您開始邁向自己的旅程! 我們的任務是提供您屢試不爽的訣竅, 做好預算細目和行程規劃建議, 讓您達成理想。 我們的服務宗旨是為您, 我們的讀者, 協助您贏得“最划算“的機會, 避免浪費時間或陷入任何困境。 我們專注於完成使命。 我們精心規劃, 我們虛心測試, 我們努力研究, 我們以絕對誠懇忠實的方式與您分享一切。 精算旅遊團隊 是什麼讓我們成為專家? 我們不是專家。我們只是一群喜歡旅行、拍照、撰寫環遊世界旅行日記的人。 我們的優勢在於, 我們有縝密思考一切的習慣。 這意味著您不必這麼做! 我們很不喜歡意外狀況發生, 就像超出預算或錯過連結航班這樣的事件… 所以我們總是做好了準備! 憑藉著不同的體驗、年齡、背景和生活方式, 我們的寫作群樂於分享各個景觀、經歷或旅遊產品所提供的精采特點。 精算旅遊團隊已經搭乘過40班次以上的航遊。 我們曾經乘坐飛機、火車和汽車穿越北美、加勒比海、歐洲和亞洲。 我們曾經步行, 長途健行 , 航行, 甚至從飛機上跳傘下來。 我們這樣做都是為了我們這份熱愛–充分地體驗生活,… Continue reading 關於精算旅遊雜誌